Launch Your SaaS Product
within minutes

Transform your ideas into reality without the hassle of coding.

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Your All-in-One SaaS Launchpad

Everything you need to build, launch, and scale. No coding skills? No problem

High-Converting Landing Pages

Turn visitors into customers with industry proven, conversion-focused designs. Capture more leads with a landing page that’s optimized for performance. It's designed to maximize your conversion rates by catching attention and engage visitors.

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SEO Optimized MDX Blogs

Create rich, interactive content that stands out, improves your search rankings, and drives organic traffic to your SaaS. Advanced features like syntax highlighting, code snippets and interactive elements to engage your audience. Boost your SEO and establish thought leadership with ease.

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Database & Email Integration

Easily connect to your favorite database, manage user info and payments with Prisma ORM, and send slick emails through Resend or Mailgun. From welcome messages to special offers, you'll have all the tools to nurture your audience and grow your business. Focus on building your saas, not the infrastructure.

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Built-in Authentication & Payments

Secure user data and start monetizing your SaaS from day one with our integrated authentication and payment systems. Easily support multiple payment gateways, manage subscriptions, and control user access—all with top-notch security

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Six Reasons You'll Love SaaSPack

Time is money, and we save you both. Here's how we supercharge your startup


Instant Setup

Hit the ground running with pre-built pages and components


Code-Free Customization

Easily tailor your SaaS without extensive coding knowledge


Growth-Focused Features

High-converting landing pages, custom components, automated transactional emails, waitlists, and verified testimonials


Save Time & Money

Launch in weeks, not months. Skip the $10k+ dev bill. Your idea to market, fast and cheap


Effortless Payments

Start earning with pre-configured payment options, no complex setup needed


Built-in Security

Protect your product with integrated authentication and DDOS protection

Build Less, Achieve More

Skip the development headaches and launch your SaaS in weeks, not months. Everything you need to build, grow, and succeed – no coding required

Landing Page

High-converting landing page optimized for conversions. Easy customization to tailor the layout to match your brand and messaging.


Protect your users with robust authentication systems. Passwordless Authentication With Magic Link and OAuth Login like Google, Github etc.


Handle subscriptions and one-time payments seamlessly with Stripe and Lemon Squeezy. No more late-night coding sessions or pulling your hair out over payment integrations!


Boost your online presence with an SEO-optimized MDX blog. Create content that ranks well on search engines. Manage your blog easily and watch your traffic grow.

Pre-Launch Pages

Pre-launch pages that showcase your upcoming product. Collect emails with waitlist page, enable nice-looking pages for site maintenance and custom 404 error pages, and much more.

UI Kit

Save time with ready-made components like Hero Section, Feature, Listicles, Testimonials, Product Badges, and more. Look good on phones, tablets, or larger screens - no extra work needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Don't hesitate to reach out.
What exactly is SaaSPack?
SaaSPack is a Next.js boilerplate designed to help you launch your SaaS product quickly. It includes ready-to-use components for core SaaS features including user authentication, payment processing, database integration, email services, and high-converting landing page.

You'll get access to a GitHub repository with a Next.js project built using the app router and TypeScript, and you can also download a ZIP file, after that do customization to fit your needs and branding, once ready deploy it to vercel for free. It's meant to save you time and money on initial development
Do I need coding skills to use this?
You don't need to be a coding pro to use SaaSPack. With clear, step-by-step documentation, you can build a stunning website in minutes, even if you've never written a line of code.
What technologies are used in the boilerplate?
It is built with React, Next.js 14 (App Router), Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. It uses MDX for Blogs. Design components are handled by Shadcn UI and Lucide icons. Payments are managed by Stripe, emails by Mailgun and Resend, and data is stored in MongoDB with Prisma ORM.
How does the blogging feature work?
The blog uses MDX, allowing you to write content in Markdown files with the ability to include React components. It's SEO-optimized out of the box and integrates seamlessly with the rest of your SaaS. You can start publishing content immediately without additional setup.
How quickly can I set up payments?
Getting started with payments is easy. You'll need to add your Stripe API key and create products in your Stripe dashboard. Once that's done, you can integrate our pre-built payment component into your app. We handle the complex parts like webhooks and securely storing payment data.
How does the email integration work?
Just plug in your API keys (Resend or mailgun) and start sending. You can send all sorts of emails from simple transactional emails like password resets to full-blown marketing campaigns and newsletters, we've got you covered.
What kind of security features are included?
Security is a top priority. I've included strong user authentication, DDOS protection, and best practices for data handling to protect your SaaS from threats.
What's your refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of our product, we offer refunds only if you have not accessed the GitHub repository or downloaded the software. Once access is granted, the product is considered "used" and cannot be refunded. If you have any issues with the product, please contact us, and we'll do our best to resolve them.
How often do you update SaaSPack?
I regularly update SaaSPack with new features and improvements to keep up with the latest tech trends. You can always expect the best tools to build your SaaS.
How do I purchase the SaaSPack boilerPlate?
Want to be one of the first to try it? Join our waitlist now. Simply sign up on our website to reserve your spot. You'll get early access, exclusive updates, and awesome launch perks. Don't miss out!

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